Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
A perennial herb that can grow from 24-63 in (60-160 cm) high.
The stems are branched and purplish brown. The ascending stems are covered with short hairs.
Leaves are smooth and dark green above and cottony beneath. They are deeply lobed with pointed ends.
The leaves near the base are elliptic and oblong, lobed deeply almost to the midrib.
The flower head has disk flowers only, and lacks the strap-shaped flowers.
At the bud stage flowers are whitish green and become dull yellowish green to purplish green with maturity (July to October).
Mugwort, along with Ragweed (Ambrosia spp.), play a big part in late summer pollen allergies. It is even believed that a link exists between the spread of the invasive mugwort and the increase in asthma and severe allergies in recent years.
It is native to northeastern Asia and extreme northwestern North America (Alaska).