Mulberry Tree
Mulberry Tree (Morus)
Has wide spreading branches and a wide rounded shape.
The leaves are alternate, simple, broadly oval in shape, sharp pointed, 3 to 5 inches long with toothed margins. They are variable in shape.
Usually the different leaf shapes will be present on the same tree; occasionally, only a single leaf shape will occur on a tree.
The undersuface of the leaves are hairy, especially along the leaf midrib.
The fruit is blackberry-like, oblong 1 to 1 1/2 inches long, dark purple to black when ripe, and very sweet and edible.
The twigs are slender, brown, smooth, and the leaf scars have many bundle scars.
Buds are 1/4 inch long, light brown in color, without a terminal bud.
The bark smooth and light orange brown on young trees becoming furrowed and brown on older trees.
Unlike most tree species, the mulberries have milky sap.
Flowering occurs in early spring and the fruits mature about two months later.