Tree of Heaven
Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)
Deciduous tree that can reach 70 ft. in height.
Twigs with smooth, pale gray bark, and twigs that are light chestnut brown, especially in the dormant season.
Leaves are alternate, large (1-4 ft. long), compound, with 11-25 smaller leaflets, each with one to several glandular teeth near the base.
Flowers, fruits and seeds: large showy clusters of small yellowish-green flowers produced during June
Wood is soft, weak, coarse-grained and creamy white to light brown in color.
Leaves, stems and some flowers have a strong, unpleasant to offensive odor.
Crowds out native species; damages pavement and building foundations in urban areas.
Tree of heaven looks similar to the native Sumac, except that Tree of heaven has thorns and yellow flowers